
Saturday 19 May 2012

Facebook Addiction....

You won’t find facebook addiction Disorder in a medical textbook, but more and more people, specially youngsters are finding it difficult to stay away from the social network.
Take the following quick test and see if you might be certifiable — like we are.

1.Instead of asking for coffee first in the morning, do you start your day with your laptop — or your
smartphone — in order to log on to Facebook?
Do you find yourself fantasizing about composing that next great Facebook status update every time you and your partner are in the throes of romance?

     2.Has your child’s preschool teacher issued you a final warning because of far too many late pickups which
      is attributed to your inability to tear away from a Facebook page?
     3.Do your Facebook friends have to know every time you go to the bathroom and what you’ve produced?
     4.Is your only mode of communication with your husband or kids via Facebook?
     5.Have you enrolled in a costly photography course so that your Facebook pics become the talk of your
    6.Do you retain the services of a private investigator whenever you fail to find a long lost friend on Facebook?
    7.Whenever you fight with your significant other do you feel compelled to change your Facebook relationship
   8.Did you quit your job because your employer put a halt on all internet activities within the company?
   9.Has your Facebook addiction resulted in your resembling one of the “Twilight” vampires because you haven’t
    seen the light of day since the year of the flood?
  10.Have you become a mute since you no longer have to use speech to communicate on Facebook?
   11.Have you had your eyelids Crazy Glued to remain wide open, so that sleep never sets in to interrupt your  
    Facebook time?  Or better yet, do you keep smelling salts next to you at all times as you peck away on your

If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, you definitely have FAD. Welcome to the club!
If you’re a Facebook addict. As long as you give your fingers a break in order to avoid arthritis and check into the real world every now and then, you can just keep having fun.
There are also an estimated 500-plus groups for Facebook addicts that have been created on the social networking site, where members joke about their dependence.

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