
More iPhone 5 Expected Pictures 2011

More iPhone 5 Expected Pictures 2011 : As the public waits and waits for a new version of iPhone (rumored to be iPhone 5) the internet is getting pretty full of concept and leaked designs. It is yet to see who gets the deal this time besides AT&T and Verizon in the States. And most importantly; will it break the record for most sales. I think Yes! it can.
More iPhone 5 Expected Pictures 2011
More iPhone 5 Expected Pictures 2011

Saturday 8 October 2011

David Beckham Haircuts Hair Styles

David Beckham Haircuts Hair Styles
David Beckham Haircuts Hair Styles - Celebrity haircut Ideas for Men
David Beckham Hairstyle Pictures
David Beckham Faux Hawk Hairstyles
David Beckham Haircuts Hair Styles - Celebrity haircut Ideas for Men
David Beckham Hairstyle Pictures

Friday 7 October 2011

Steve Jobs has died

One of the founders of Apple CEO Steve Jobs had died on Wednesday after serious and prolonged illness at the age of 56 years.

"The company Apple has lost a creative genius, and the world lost a remarkable man. Those of us who were fortunate to know Steve and work with him, have lost a dear friend and inspiring mentor. Steve is survived by his company, which could only create it, and his spirit will forever be support for the Apple ", - said in a statement on the website Apple .